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Release Food Fear & Body Shame

Embrace Love & Enjoyment on Your Journey


Embrace You Weight & Wellness is Your Key to Helping You:

  • Love yourself

  • Enjoy food again​​


We shift focus away from the scale to empower you with key mindset shifts, enabling you to live lighter in body, mind, & spirit on your journey to your unique Happy, Healthy Weight & Wellness. 


This isn't a typical "diet program" or "anti-diet program", but a safe space where women who've struggled with weight issues can freely ask honest questions and receive personalized, holistic, evidence-based, culturally tailored solutions without judgment. 

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Our top priority is connecting you with your unique spirit-mind-body wellness lifestyle. While we discuss the facts about weight loss, we prioritize wellness, understanding that weight loss without wellness can be dangerous.


It's time to do something new, it's time to Embrace You.

The Embrace You Difference 



Most weight loss and health plans are designed for those who don't struggle with weight or don't have health conditions. However, there are several factors that impact how your body stores fat or loses fat. If they're not addressed, you end up frustrated on your weight loss and wellness journey. 


Embrace You Weight & Wellness is customized to fit your unique needs on your weight loss journey and help you overcome the hurdles preventing you from reaching your Happy, Healthy Weight.


We design your solutions based on your unique:

  • Biology (🠮Metabolic Tools)

  • Psychology (🠮Mindset Breakthroughs)

  • Spiritual Wellness

To create your most personalized plan possible that works!


We empower you to lose weight, keep it off, and enjoy living well.


Embrace You Weight & Wellness offers a unique Body-Mind-Spirit Approach to empower you, created by a leading expert in obesity medicine & body-mind-spirit wellness,
Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie, MD, DABOM, FOMA.


Come with us to learn the balance between body positivity and reaching your health goals.

What Does Body-Mind-Spirit mean?

At Embrace You, we go beyond physical weight loss to help you restore & cultivate your complete wellness, which means your Body-Mind-Spirit wellness.


Embrace You Weight & Wellness is founded and led by Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie, MD, DABOM, FOMA, an obesity expert. We practice Evidence Based Medicine and stay current on the latest scientific evidence, especially in body fat regulation, obesity, metabolic health, and preventable diseases. But you are not a “general patient,” so we use precision medicine to individualize your care. 

At Embrace You, you are not just a number on the scale or a medical condition. We empower you with the tools you need to optimize your metabolism for healthy, maintainable weight loss at your happy, healthy weight. 


“Free your mind & the rest will follow.”- En Vogue. 

Until you shift your mindset, it’s hard to lose weight, keep it off, and enjoy your journey. Many of these powerful signals start with our thoughts. At Embrace You, we are award-winning mental health advocates & mental wellness champions. We use proven tools to help you break through your mindset blocks. 

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At Embrace You, spiritual wellness is appreciated as an essential component of your total wellness. Your spirit desires health and wholeness regardless of your beliefs or religious inclination. Embrace You Weight & Wellness is founded in Christ’s love and welcomes ALL people. 

We define spiritual wellness as fulfillment in your 4 C's:

  • Connection (God, Self, Loved Ones, Nature)

  • Community (Social Belonging)

  • Charity/Contributions to the World (How do you share your gifts with the world?)

  • Centering (How do you cultivate peace in your life?)

Embrace Your Journey: Let's Connect

Ready to see what Embrace YOU can do for you and your weight loss and wellness goals?

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