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Embrace Your Dreams

Updated: Oct 7, 2021

October 2021 update: Embrace You: Your Guide was featured in Livestrong Top 8 Weight-loss Books of 2021. 🎉 I included the link to the full list later in this post.

July 2021 Whew! It has been a whirlwind of a month since releasing “Embrace You: Your Guide to Transforming Weight Loss Misconceptions Into Lifelong Wellness.”

Thank you for helping make “Embrace You: Your Guide to Transforming Weight Loss Misconceptions Into Lifelong Wellness” a bestseller in 6️⃣ Categories 🙌🏾🎉💜 including Women’s Health, Weight Loss Diets, and Weight Maintenance.

“Bestselling Author.”

“Bestseller book in 6 categories.”

One year ago I couldn’t imagine I’d be using these words to describe myself or a book I’d written.

One year ago my fears were smothering my dreams.

I was working on the COVID19 frontlines.

It was rewarding but also a reminder of all the dreams I wasn’t pursuing because

I was afraid

🙇🏾‍♀️Afraid of failing

🙇🏾‍♀️Afraid of “What ‘they’ will say”

🙇🏾‍♀️Afraid of putting myself out there

🌟I knew what God had for me was on the other side of my fears.

I dreamed of

🌟Revolutionizing the outdated, ineffective approach to weight loss

🌟Sharing tools for lasting weight loss and wellness with the world through entrepreneurship and writing a book based on my years of expert experience.

But internal fear was holding me back.

However seeing my COVID19 patient's bravery inspired me to act despite my fears.

During those months of working on the frontlines, while walking through my personal grief journey I realized

💫Bravery doesn’t require the absence of fear, you just have to couragely walk through your fears.

💫You have to choose to live to your fullest while you can.

💫 If I could walk through the fear of working through multiple COVID19 outbreaks, I could overcome my internal fears and pursue my dreams.

Now less than year later

I’m the

👩🏾‍💼C.E.O. & Lead Physician, Embrace You Weight & Wellness

💜Phenomenal Wellness coach that led > 2 dozen successful women and men to effective lasting wellness during a pandemic!

Certified Group Fitness Instructor, National Asso

🆕Best selling Author, Embrace You Book.

This journey has shown me:

  1. It’s true, everything you dream of is behind what you fear.

  2. Sometimes you just need the right tools to help transform your fears to reality. For me those tools have been God, Family, True Friends, My Coach (Dr. Draion Burch), Coaching Tribe (Medical Moguls Academy 2021), Embrace You Embracers, & many supporters.

What tools do you need to get you to the other side of your fear?

If you’re afraid of:

  • Being less than perfect

  • Failing another diet or weight loss program

  • Losing weight and gaining it right back

Check out my best-selling 🆕book Embrace You. I wrote this book with you in mind. It is NOT another diet book, it’s your guide to your lifelong, winning wellness strategy.

Join your complimentary Embrace You Virtual Book Club. You’ll receive free weekly motivation, access to our supportive community, and exclusive insights for your wellness journey. Join at

🎉Embrace You: Your Guide was featured in Livestrong Top 8 Weight-loss Books of 2021. See the list here.

Official Press Release from Get News

“Physician and Bestselling Author Releases Unique Guide for Shedding Pounds”

By Get News, Released July 12, 2021

In less than a second, Google can return more than a million search results for “diets for weight loss.” Yet, the plethora of options still lack solutions for long-term impact. Having taken into account the complexities of the human body and the hundreds of factors that determine an individual’s weight, Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie, MD has released Embrace You: Your Guide to Transforming Weight Loss Misconceptions into Lifelong Wellness.

SILVER SPRING, MD – July 12, 2021 – In Embrace You, bestselling author and physician Dr. Sylvia empowers women with a comprehensive wellness plan that aims to create a lasting lifestyle change. After showing herself more care and compassion and implementing a plan that worked for her, which included a departure from restrictive diets and intense exercise routines, Dr. Sylvia now guides readers along a journey to embracing their own happy, healthy weight.

“One day while attempting to counsel a patient on lifestyle changes, I struggled to get the words out. I felt like a hypocrite advising others to optimize their health through weight loss and healthy living when I was not even attempting to do so. I realized that my excess weight was not only affecting my mood and well-being, it was also affecting my practice of medicine,” says Dr. Sylvia.

The topics addressed in Embrace You, such as how to accept: your healthy weight, your happy weight, your sleep, and your weight maintenance journey, will help readers to release a variety of weight loss misconceptions and embrace a more helpful, happy, and healthy weight loss mindset. By also providing resources, recipes, and meal plans that truly work, Dr. Sylvia gives busy readers an individual approach for how to reclaim their own health and wellness.

Embrace You presents a holistic and scientific yet personal and motivating guide to lasting weight loss that will inspire readers to stop obsessing over the scale and learn to embrace themselves. “Weight loss is possible and more sustainable when you don’t diet but instead create a plan you E.M.B.R.A.C.E.”

Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie, CEO and lead physician of Embrace YOU Weight and Wellness, is passionate about faith, family, and fitness. As a busy mom who placed her wellness on the backburner, she reclaimed her health and wellness by developing a holistic plan to wellness based on self-love and personalized science. Dr. Gonsahn-Bollie’s experience inspired her to get board certified in obesity medicine and share her journey to guide her patients. She now empowers others on their weight-loss and wellness journey to their happy, healthy weight.

Published by Publish Your Gift®, Embrace You: Your Guide to Transforming Weight Loss Misconceptions into Lifelong Wellness is now available for purchase at

Read more at Get News

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