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Food Freedom: No More Diets!

Updated: Jul 25, 2022

Are you celebrating being diet-free this July 4th? Or are you still stuck on the on/ off diet cycle? You're not free from dieting if:

  • You're thinking about what you can or can't eat on July 4th or any day.

  • You're worried about when you need to start your next diet.

Don't sweat it. You're not alone. I know what it feels like to think about what you can or can't eat constantly. As a second-generation foodie & former dieter, for years, I was stuck on the diet/overeating cycle.

At the time, I didn't realize how much control food had over my life. Growing up, it was "normal" to chase the best new diet constantly. It was also "normal" to "cheat" diets on the weekends and overeat on holidays and special events. I thought it was healthy to eat this way.

And if you wanted to lose or maintain a healthy weight, you had to diet. But dieting meant being miserable and denying yourself foods you want to eat. So, whenever I hear the word "diet," I still get flashbacks of cottage cheese, rice cakes, and dry, tasteless devil's food 'diet cookies.'

For years dieting on/off "worked" to maintain my Happy, Healthy Weight until my hormones shifted my metabolism after the birth of my first child. After he was born, I experienced a new level of stress. Also, my body changed. It didn't respond to dieting the way it used to. So, honestly, dieting became another stressor.

To reclaim my happy, healthy weight and wellness, I had to break free from my dieting in body, mind, & spirit. And if you genuinely want to be free from dieting, it's time for you to release the body, mind, and spirit triggers that are keeping you from being diet free.

Let's talk about how to be free from dieting, starting with your spirit, mind, and body.

I also include a fun recipe, " Red, White, Blue & Very Green Tacos & Salad," you may have seen in my IG reel.


Dieting keeps you focused on what you are eating. However, freedom comes from knowing your "why."

  • Why are you eating that when you know it doesn't help your health?

  • Why are you choosing foods that make you feel tired and sluggish?

Of course, you could say, "I just like it." But I've found that many use food as a quick fix for emotional and spiritual voids.

Spirituality is a combination of your:

  • Connection with God (if you are a Believer), self, & others

  • Community with likeminded people

  • Charity- how are you sharing your gifts & resources.

When your spirit is well-nourished, why you eat becomes more apparent.

Last month I watched a Bible-based message called "Cuffed to Cake" by Pastor Mike Todd. It was refreshing to see a loving, spiritual perspective on "why we eat" & what to do spiritually.

Dr. Oluchi and I discussed our thoughts on the message on IG Live. You can watch the replay here.


(song written by Denzil Foster & Thomas McElroy)

Any lasting, life-changing journey starts with a decision to change and then embracing a mindset shift.

As we discuss in Embrace You: Your Guide to Transforming Weightloss Misconceptions Into Lifelong Wellness,

my bestseller and's Best Overall Weight Loss Book of 2022, start by making the mindset shift:

"Release: I have to diet.

Embrace: Food is My Fuel."

While embracing this new mindset, you can also work on optimizing your mental health and mental wellness. For example, uncontrolled stress, unhealed psychological wounds, mental health conditions, and more can trigger you to eat food that isn't the right fuel.

During May 2022, Mental Health Awareness Month, in the Overcoming Obesity Club, we had several discussions on mental health and mental wellness. You can catch the replays on the club.


Once you embrace food as fuel, think of your body as a high-end luxury vehicle. You run best on "premium fuel." Select foods that energize you and help you perform your best. Sure, your food needs to be tasty and enjoyable.

But how do you feel after you eat the food? Are you tired, sluggish, or immediately hungry? These feelings may be a sign you may not be choosing the right fuel for your body. As I discuss in this article, 6 Signs You're Actually Hungry.

Discovering your premium fuel is a process. It's not "one size fits all" like diet culture wants you to think.

It's taken me years to discover what fuels my body best.

That's why I love helping others find your premium food fuel quicker than the long journey I took. As a busy working mom, wife, physician, and foodie, learning to create "fast, filling, and flavorful" food has been essential to losing 60lbs, reclaiming my wellness, and maintaining my happy, healthy weight and wellness for over eight years. I've become a creative cook on my Embrace You journey and love making fast, filling, and flavorful meals.

Here's a fun recipe I made with a Fourth of July theme.

At first glance, you may think "tahini" and "sauerkraut" ?!

But trust me, it tastes good! In this dish, the tahini gives the creaminess of mayo/ sour cream without the dairy or eggs. The sauerkraut adds the tartness of lemon with the benefit of probiotics! This meal is highly satisfying. You can add shrimp or chicken if you're not ready to go entirely plant-based. Let me know your honest thoughts when you try it!

Let's Go!

This Fourth of July, I pray you truly experience the joy of living diet-free. May you experience:

  • Freedom from food controlling you.

  • Freedom from cravings sabotaging your diet plans

You can start by choosing to:

Release "I have to diet." &

Embrace "Food is my fuel."

If you need more resources on making your meal plans and making food your fuel check out: Six Solutions to Fix Your Meal Plans Video Course & eBook with recipes.

For July 4th, 2022, it's 40% off! Use the code FREE40*. Click here!

(Coupon expires in 24hrs. Your food freedom can start today!)

Dr. Sylvia Bollie

Ready to find out what Embrace You can do for your weight loss and wellness goals?


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